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Showing posts from November, 2016

Mind of the Dark- A Prequel to Forest of the Dark (Coming Soon)

Working on the prequel to my horror novel 'Forest of the Dark'.  It's scary, twisted and I'm getting nervous writing some of the parts. The short story will be available to read soon... Once I get over my reservations about writing such a daunting story, that is. Just a few more chapters to go. 

The Life of a Writer

 So you want to become a writer? Congrats! You’re about to find out that things are not as simple as you thought. And just in case you think you’ve written a masterpiece, think again. At first, dedicating several hours to your work seems fun, satisfying, even invigorating. Writing becomes a delightful process, a catharsis for all your thoughts and words that were bursting to come out of you. There are characters that are waiting to be born, to give their speeches and change lives. There is a story to tell, but more importantly, one you kind of want to live. A world is creating in your mind, one you’re in complete control of. Seems so appealing, right? The whole writing process seems like such an important task that only you can spearhead. Everything depends on your nimble fingers, and your scurrying mind. Then when you write the very last word, punctuate it and sit back...there couldn’t be a greater feeling. You’re proud of yourself for spending days, mont

My First Book- Repeated Lives

Yesterday, I was asked about my writing and then asked what my first book was about. My first story was 'The Challenge'- a short story. Then it was Tina's Gimmick- a novella for middle graders. But my first published book was 'Repeated Lives'. I still remember trying to send it to publishers, getting rejected, getting some positive feedback that kept my hopes alive. Then I got accepted and I felt so exhilarated. But surprise, surprise! That publisher went under and my manuscript and rights were returned to me. I gave up hope on ever getting published. I still remember not wanting to give up on my dream and after allowing myself time to get over this setback, I emailed my submission to a few more publishers and got the very reply I was waiting for from Club Lighthouse Publishing. I was being offered a contract!!!! A lot of work went into getting it published. Editing, book art concept... Finally, a month or so later, my ebook was finally up. Mine. My har

The Unspoken (2015) -- What happened at the end?

PLOT SUMMARY: When Angela is hired to take care of a mute boy, she begins to suspect she is living in a haunted house until the truth about the boy is revealed.  Every horror movie ever made has in some way or the other challenged our beliefs, fears and our very existence. Do we truly live after we die? That's a question that is perpetually asked and the answer is controversial: we either don't or we turn into ghosts, fixated to a very particular place that holds meaning to us. That place is usually a house.  THE UNSPOKEN , is actually a very clever movie that incorporates elements of horror, thriller and crime into a very compelling tale. Though I must mention it does falter in the horror scenes where it uses the same old tired formula of startling background scores, creaking of furniture and doors opening and closing by themselves. These clichés almost put you off. Then the twist is revealed and suddenly you understand why these clichés were deliberately used. 

Ouija: Origin of Evil -- my take on the movie with spoilers!

PLOT SUMMARY: A con artist and her daughters unwittingly allow a demon to enter when she uses an ouija board. It’s no surprise that evil chooses and possesses young innocent girls in horror movies. They are, after all, thought to be pure of heart and their innocence is alluring to all evil. I would hold the opinion that pure heart would be tougher to infiltrate and those who have committed sins- big or small- would be the ones who could be manipulated by evil spirits. However, in movies, it is always the youngest girl in the family who becomes the target of demons. Perhaps it is because we viewers, easily sympathize with the sweet little girl who is yet to learn that the world outside isn’t harmless.